They are Retrievers. If something is stolen, they are hired to get it back.
They go in unseen and unnoticed, however getting out without being shot at, is another story. They are one of the best teams in the Federation and are paid handsomely for their services.
They are family.
Youngest of her Retriever team, she's also the most naïve and less aggressive of the three.
During a scouting mission gone wrong, water born, Janeska Fanovana, jumps in to save the life of an impulsive youth and comes face to face with a King of Dragons as he brings her back to the water's surface, declaring he will find her before she takes off.
Draven Ratnik, a High King of Nagarr, finds the little thief who broke into his houseboat and demands her servitude for a month from her commander.
But can he handle his emotions when their passionate love-making has them creating steam, declaring them mates in his culture?