Meet Zeba.
Spoilt, rich and interested in nothing but lazing on the terrace of her plush New York apartment and inhaling deep drags of her favourite weed — an irreverent girl who is about to become a very unlikely superhero.
Zeba's cushy life takes an unexpected turn when she travels to the distant land of Khudir and discovers the source of her superpowers — the holy spring Zsa Zsa — and it falls on her (against her best instincts) to save the world she loves from the clutches of The Great Khan, a cruel tyrant with the most shaitani intentions. Can she vanquish her inner demons while she prepares for the fight of her life — a fight to save not just her family but the whole damn world?
Zeba by Huma S Qureshi is the story of a sassy superhero with an unusual choice for a cape, as relatable as she is unusual, a shining symbol of freedom, empowerment and grit. Full of magic and written with intense passion, it is a thrilling tale of heroism and transformation, and ultimately the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity.